Jan 3, 20202 min

Scanning Polaroid Pictures

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

Hey guys! So one of the questions I get the most, and see the most is, how do you scan your Polaroid's? And for those that are wondering why this is such a common question, let me explain. When you scan a Polaroid on a flat bed scanner, sometimes you get this:

(picture from Polaroid originals website)

These are called Newton's Rings. (from Wikipedia) "Newton's rings is a phenomenon in which an interference pattern is created by the reflection of light between two surfaces—a spherical surface and an adjacent touching flat surface. It is named after Isaac Newton, who investigated the effect in his 1704 treatise Opticks."

So here is how you avoid getting those pesky little circles on your scanned Polaroid's:

This is a scan adapter, and what this does is it holds the Polaroid just above the surface of your scanner bed to prevent Newton's Rings. I'm going to show you how to make one for less then $8.

Materials needed:

Foam Board

An X-acto knife

Rubber cutting mat


A piece of thin cardboard

Blue Tak putty.

Writing utensil.

Step one:

On the corner of your foam board, about an inch from the edge, trace one of your Polaroid's.

Step two:

Cut out the shape of the Polaroid you just traced, but make it a few millimeters wider on all sides. You don't want it to be hard to get the Polaroid in and out of this thing.

Step three:

Cut around your cut out shape on all sides about an inch. Until you have what looks like a picture frame.

Step four:

Trace around the outside of your frame onto the cardboard. And then cut that shape out.

Step Five:

Tape your cardboard to the back of your frame. And flip it over.

Step Six:

Take the blue Tak putty, it comes in strips, and tear it into 4 or 5 pieces. You then take these pieces and put them at the corners of the frame on the inside. It'll look like gum. This is what holds your Polaroid in the frame. It won't leave residue or ruin your pictures.

And that's its guys! Here is what it looks like with a Polaroid in it:

And turned upside down so you know the Tak putty works:

Thanks for following my tutorial! I hope this is/was helpful. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message on Facebook or Instagram. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog so you never miss a post :)