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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

My name is Samantha, and I'm an instant photography enthusiast based out of North Georgia. I love taking pictures and documenting everyday trips with instant photography. I have loved instant photography since I was a little girl. I love talking to anyone and everyone about instant cameras. I also love teaching what I know to as many people as I can. I just recently got back in to instant photography and coming across tips and tricks or different techniques was very difficult and time consuming. Reddit was a huge help, but I know a lot of people do not have/want a Reddit account. 


That's where the idea for this blog comes in. I'm here to help as many people as I can with instant photography, weather you shoot on a Polaroid or Fujifilm Instax. We all want to have fun taking pictures and making memories. We all know this is not a cheap hobby, so the more help that is readily available, the better. I hate wasting film as much as any of you I promise. So, here's to good times, great memories and amazing pictures.  


Feel free to check out my Instagram, or Facebook page (links at the top of the page) and please like and comment what you like or what you don't like. I'm not an expert by any means and I love advice. If you have any techniques or positive criticism I'd love to hear it! You can also sign up so you'll never miss a blog post when it comes out. 


Peace, love, and great pictures,






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